Koleso96. Ekaterinburg, Russia

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Online shop "Koleso96" Ekaterinburg - is not only sale of summer and winter wheels and tires, but a tire shop with a full range of services: tire service, edit disks.
Contact our Internet-shop of tires and wheels for the first time: You can get advice from our experts. We will recommend the tires that meet not only the brand of Your car, but also Your personality, driving style, operating conditions and storage and preferences in design. With us You can always order and buy both summer and winter models of tyres and disks with delivery that fit Your car.
Internet - shop "Koleso96"
The goal of our online store wheels and tires to do the work so that the client has ostalsya with us for a long time.
To choose and buy tires and wheels at a low price with delivery:
To enjoy unique CDs, find out what rare rubber can be delivered quickly and at a good price;
Buy tyres themselves using selection of tires and wheels vehicle or our Internet-shop of tires and disks;
To choose the size of the wheels using the tire calculator;
On the spot immediately after purchase to use the services of tire:
If necessary, repair the tire or use the edit drives.
A huge range of summer and winter tires and wheels (more than 20000 items) allows you to select options from budget to the most expensive.


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Ekaterinburg city

620043, str. Poltavskaya, 21

tel. 8 (982) 720-02-20
tel. +7 (343) 383-00-60

Actual on 01.01.2018
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