Owl-Stroy, LTD. Ekaterinburg, Russia

Views: 28

Our company in the market of building materials since 2007, We are engaged in wholesale and retail sale of bricks and other construction materials. In assortment of our company includes the following types of bricks :
-a furnace;
-the ordinary;

Our company cooperates with such manufacturers as JSC "Revda brick plant", "SiMat" (Kamensk - Uralsky), JSC "Stroyplastpolimer" (Ekaterinburg), JSC "Ogneupory" (Bogdanovich), JSC "Kemma" (Chelyabinsk), LLC "PKK on Zakamenne" (Perm).

And as always in the presence of cement (Sukhoy Log), mixes ("Setter", "Vanilla", etc.), LMB ( OOO "sky", Berezovsky), insulation ("ECover", "Hut"), lumber, metal.


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Ekaterinburg city

str. Polevaya, 78

tel. 8 (343) 307-16-32
tel. 8 (912) 607-16-32

Actual on 01.01.2018
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