Black TOYOTA CAMRY (650R/h).
The long distance from Ekaterinburg to any place of the region in a comfortable car and transfer (airport, Railway station).
When you need to travel from Yekaterinburg to another region have to choose the way to travel. Today, on the Internet you will find a lot of offers - it can be transfer by rail or by bus. However, the taxi and its advantages appear more attractive. Just one call to a taxi dispatching service "Your long distance" and you will get rid of carrying heavy bags of tedious airport security, the need for sitting for hours at a computer to seek out the cheapest, and to adapt to inconvenient public transport schedules.
Main services:
- taxi to the airport through the Internet at the house, to the train station, etc., in the city and the Sverdlovsk region;
- order the machine with one or two child seats;
- transfer;
- transport services for different events;
- corporate transport service;
- delivery of correspondence;
- the family of the driver;
- prior booking.