Transport services of Ekaterinburg

Transport services :

Total items: 182, Views: 198260
VL lodzhistik
Ekaterinburg, str. Belorechenskaya, 15, str. 313

tel. +7 (343) 344-45-00

Transportation and logistics company "VL logistic"

We offer transport and logistics services to legal entities and individuals. Cargo transportation in Russia and international, multimodal and intermodal. Freight forwarding and cargo insurance.
The company "VL logistic" is the official customs broker - License # 0588/00 and offers services of customs clearance of goods.

Priority areas transport and logistics company "VL logistic":
Railway transportation to Russia, transportation
Maritime transport of goods to Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Magadan
Sea freight from/to the country(s) of Asia, Europe, America and Australia to Russia and Ukraine
Sending 20-foot containers from Busan (South Korea) and Shanghai (China) to Moscow and Western regions of the Russian vnutritraheinogo transit.
Multimodal container transportation from/to the country(s) ATP (complex: railway sea transportation)
Delivery of cargoes by motor transport in cities of the Far East, Siberia and Central Federal district;
Autotransportations across Russia direct flights. This service is provided to carry the type of “One customer – One vehicle”;
Containerized cargo
Freight forwarding at the point of departure and in destination (responsible acceptance, recalculation of places, transportation)
Insurance all types of cargo
Shipment tracking
Warehouse services
Services of customs clearance of goods
Search products and manufacturers in China
The company was founded in 1998, the number of 1000 people

Actual on 01.01.2018
Demidov group
Ekaterinburg, str. Lunacharskogo, 221

tel. 8 (922) 187-40-47

Our company is engaged in cargo transportation across Russia by road. Deliver cargo to 60 tons.

Actual on 01.01.2018
Ekaterinburg, 620057, str. Frezerovshchikov, 79v

tel. +7 (952) 143-25-99

Service truck crane MAZ 15t/14m ( from 900p. ); URAL 25T/21,7 m ( 1100r. ). Services: wheeled excavator LIEBHERR A 310 (0,65м3) -1200r. Trucks 10t. Will provide cleaning services and snow removal.

Actual on 01.01.2018












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