AYU, LLC. Elista, Russia

Views: 151

The company "AYU" is the company-franchisee 1C and works in the market of the Republic for more than 15 years.Today in the Republic of Kalmykia we are the Only company that has in its Arsenal the following authorizations and certificates:
1. The center support programs and information products of the company 1C, which confirms that the company "AYU" is the leading partner of the firm 1C recommended as a reliable performer in the field of "1S:its";
2. Competence center on fiscal accounting, which indicates that our specialists have for many years to provide government agencies with a complete and quality set of required services.
Our clients are leading ministries and departments of the Republic of Kalmykia.
In the ranking of the partners of the firm 1C in the Republic of Kalmykia, LLC "AYU" is always in the first place.
We are the only in the Republic who have organized a "Hot line" for our clients. And with 8-30 to 17-30 daily (except Saturday and Sunday) Your questions answered by our specialists in accounting and payroll.
The number of calls to the "hotline" is not limited.


Kalmykia Republic
Elista city

358009, str. Pushkina, 20

tel. 8 (84722) 37-865
tel. 37-866
tel. 8 (909) 399-30-10

Actual on 01.01.2018
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