When the period of searching for an organization begins to carry out repairs, then a real roulette game takes place. In this case, you can not rely on luck!
The organization "Ya-Remont" will organize for you a high-quality, professional repair of any complexity with a written guarantee. The organization has existed since 2004 and provides services in the field of construction and repair work in Moscow and Moscow Region.
Fast, reliable and high quality - the three main words characterizing this organization! They will take upon themselves the solution of all problems, they will do everything quickly, comprehensively and on a turnkey basis.
Apartment renovation is carried out by high-class masters. It all starts with writing a plan, inspecting the object, drawing up budget documentation.
Types of turnkey repairs:
Renovation on a turnkey basis;
Elite renovation.
How much will the repair process cost? The cost of high-quality repair and finishing of an apartment completely on a turn-key basis is made up of the complexity and scope of the task, speed, style features in the design of the object, materials used and type. The company gives a guarantee of 1 year, everything is transparent and without prepayment, and most importantly, quality control is carried out.
From dream to repair - one call. You leave a request for repair on the portal or by phone. The manager will contact you and tell you everything!
Moscow Oblast
Fryazino city
field street, 6, ten
tel. +7 495 540-49-58
Actual on 28.06.2022