KANGAROO, a children‘s entertainment center. Glazov, Russia

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Children‘s entertainment center "Kangaroo" is a center offering organized activities for all ages, fun and games, sweets and treats, holidays and surprises!

Adults and children can relax in a comfortable and safe place, in a spacious room in a friendly and positive atmosphere, with surprises and pleasant surprises, a fun and exciting program with entertaining events, with a responsive and attentive staff.

Here are a variety of entertainment for children and their parents. Everyone can find entertainment according to his taste and age!

The entrance to our Centre is free. We work every day without weekends and breaks. Come and have a good time!

Slot machines and rides, educational accuracy, attentiveness, speed of reaction;
Soft room to play and rest;
Vivid and memorable birthday for Your child;
Collective children‘s and family events with games, contests, energetic music;
Funny animators in colorful costumes and puppets;
Balloons decoration, helium balloons, kids shapes and bouquets of balloons;
fun face painting;
Diverse workshops for children and parents;
Every Saturday and Sunday entertainment programme of the day with prizes;
Quests for children (story, role, cognitive, educational games);
Exciting tournaments on different gaming machines.



Glazov city

str. Kalinina, 10

tel. 8 (912) 012-10-61

Actual on 01.01.2018
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