8 800 656 2222
WE SAVE PEOPLE whose lives are subject to drugs and alcohol.
✅ The specialists of our Center are professionally engaged in the return of people to a life without alcohol and drugs .
✅ We work with the causes that gave rise to the use of drugs or alcohol.
✅ We help to start a sober life without alcohol, without drugs and restore all spheres of life. Assistance in finding employment.
✅ People who applied to us for help, becomes a member of a large community of sober people. After the rehabilitation course he gets lifetime support and help from people who are now living full, bright and successful life!
Narcological clinic of "Dream" in Izhevsk is one of today‘s most advanced medical institutions in the city that provides expert and comprehensive assistance to people with drug dependence. It is equipped in accordance with Europe standards and works in areas such as:
• Drug abuse;
• Alcoholism;
• Gambling addiction;
• Tobacco Smoking.
Center staff are professionals with high qualifications in each of these areas, and applying in patients the most modern techniques.
Anyone needing the assistance of a qualified psychiatrist, can undergo outpatient treatment, as well as to make a call to the doctor.
The addiction treatment center "the Decision" there is more than fourteen years. During this time the staff of the center developed its own approach to the problem of addiction, which is the most effective.
A methadone clinic apply techniques such as the Twelve step program, Therapeutic community, a treatment according to ancient technologies from around the world. And the key to the recovery program drug treatment center is a comprehensive approach. I.e. emphasis on all four areas that were destroyed: the biosphere, social sphere, spiritual and psychological spheres.
In Izhevsk narcological clinic of "the Decision" carries out the rehabilitation in stages.
The center of the "Method" is the author‘s (self) healing method that shows good (effective, visible) the result is already at the 3rd week (first month) of hospitalitiy (treatment, rehabilitation, treatment) - in patients (rehabilitants, dependent) there is intention to complete a full course of rehabilitation (treatment) and solid (steady, strong) desire (motivation) to live a healthy lifestyle.
Rehabilitation center Method is a professional anonymous rehabilitation of dependent people. Having an integrated approach in the areas of :
• treatment of alcoholism (alcohol dependence treatment)
• treatment of drug addiction (all types of drug addiction treatment)
• treatment ludomania (compulsive gambling)
• treatment of Internet and computer game dependency
• psychotherapeutic treatment and rehabilitation
• psychological assistance and co-dependent relatives (psychological support relatives dependent)
• motivation for treatment (therapy beliefs, motivation to start treatment, WITHOUT COERCION, treatment, professional treatment)