The Roof Of The World. Izhevsk, Russia

Views: 38

The main direction of the company activity is the sale of roofing and facade materials wholesale and retail.
We focus on a wide range and sufficient stock levels, maintaining the status of a reliable supplier of quality products.
We value the trust of our clients and constantly expanding their own opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation!
Over the years the company Roof of the World has earned a reputation as a responsible and reliable partner.
Clients come to our company, become our regular customers and good friends.
We are always open to collaboration and are focused on long-term and mutually beneficial partnership!
We regularly train our dealers and sales representatives, allowing you to obtain the most complete volume of information on products and peculiarities of their promotion.


Izhevsk city

426000, Udmurtskaya, 304, STs "GVOZD"

tel. 311-113
tel. 8 (922) 517-37-01

Actual on 01.01.2018
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