Selling of Sausage products and semi-finished "Factory Quality"
Trade group "Bird" is the Union of labor collectives and trade companies of the Udmurt Republic, the main office is located in Izhevsk. TG "Bird" has more than 50 stores in the cities of Udmurt Republic. Our company‘s motto is "Healthy food — healthy family", so in our stores You will find only the freshest and healthy foods! Experts TG "Bird" is glad to offer interesting recipes from chicken, cooking tips and tricks. Today the brand distribution network exists in the cities of Izhevsk and Glazov, Sarapul, and Votkinsk. The company‘s team of approximately 150 employees, Is an energetic team with creative approach to work, the average age of employees 30 years. A feature of the team is the ability to work in a team.