We collect each bouquet with love, using the freshest flowers and always deliver not only flowers, but also a sea of joy and positive emotions!
Don‘t know what flowers to choose? Our experienced florists are happy to advise or just gather the bouquet of which you thought, but couldn‘t even imagine how beautiful it will be!
Our bouquets were given and give for a wedding, birthday, when you make the offer and just like that, without reason. Give you and promise you and your spouse will be really happy!
Flower delivery is a true calling flower shops lilac! Bouquets of flowers made by our florists will give your relatives and friends the amazing enthusiasm and warmth. In our store you can find a large number of colors and ready-made bouquets, which we will gladly repeat for you or will create a bouquet according to your criteria and wishes :) Our gallant courier service will deliver any order from our online flower shop to the right address, exactly at the stipulated time. There is free delivery of flowers to Izhevsk and the Udmurt Republic from only 1200 rubles!
You Bouquet is a shop selling bouquets and flowers for a nice price. Flower delivery is one of the main activities of our company. Our florists will always assist you in selecting flowers and creating a bouquet to your taste, and you will select a card, chocolates, helium balloons and a stuffed toy according to your wishes. We take care of the dear time of our clients and always show you how it is possible to pay for the bouquet "from your couch" at your home or office. Our courier service will deliver your order to the right address and on time.
In the directory service "Flowers of Russia" have bouquets for all occasions. And on the occasion of the wedding, and on the occasion of mourning which also requires a decent floral design. But most often people turn to us in the joyful moments – when you need to congratulate a birth, a birthday party, anniversary. You can order flowers in the city of Izhevsk with fast and accurate shipping address.
We differ from traditional flower shops that are engaged exclusively in delivery. But only work with experienced florists and reliable delivery services, our customers are guaranteed to receive fresh and fragrant buds exactly on time.