Rosinteks. Ivanovo, Russia

Views: 45

Main activity of GK "ROSINTEKS" is the supply of industrial enterprises of rubber and asbestos products, as well as insulating materials and bearings.
Always in stock a wide range of rubber products manufacturing Saransk, Circassian, Kazan, the Ural factories, rubber goods and asbestos products. In addition, we offer a wide range of industrial bearings manufactured by leading factories of Russia and CIS.

Offer goods and services:
Rubber and asbestos products, as well as insulating materials and bearings


Ivanovo Oblast
Ivanovo city

153011, str. Suzdalskaya, 16a

tel. 38-98-27
tel. 8 (4932) 59-49-27
Actual on 01.01.2018
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