Phlebological center "VENOSAN" created us (employees of the National medico-surgical center named. N. And.Pirogov) in order to implement our ideas about the clinic, creating a warm and kind relationship with our patients.
All of our experience in the treatment of sick people, communicating with them and their families we have tried to implement this phlebological center. Thanks to our specialization, we use almost all the methods adopted in modern phlebology, ranging from laser obliteration, ending with the removal of blood clots.
Professional and anonymous treatment of chemical dependency, mental disorders in the clinic and at home. The clinic KORSAKOV is considered the largest and most equipped specialized equipment, ambulances and modern drugs. The clinic employs doctors of the highest category and with a large experience in the treatment of these patients. In our clinic there are 5 different profiles of the departments: acute drug treatment total drug treatment, Department of psychiatry, the psychiatry Department and crisis, the Department of rehabilitation.