The provision of legal assistance in civil and criminal cases, representation and protection in court, representation in state bodies, preparation and collection of necessary documents
Provide expert legal support, housing, family, labour disputes, cases of joining the legacy, the appeal of decisions and actions of public authorities, the conduct of Affairs on administrative offences, etc.).
Experience in the legal field since 2005.
Individual approach to solving customer problems.
Representation of legal entities in the Arbitration court, as well as the management of their legal services. Resolution of disputes that arise as a result of urban development and land legislation. Support of administrative cases, appeal to both action and inaction of the local authorities. The ability to quickly dissolve a marriage (even without your participation in the trial).
Provide legal assistance during the preliminary investigation and trial in criminal cases advice and drafting of petitions and complaints on family and civil disputes, representation in court
criminal and civil cases, qualified legal assistance