Hello! Our company provides repair services for phones,laptops,tablets, any complexity ,BGA soldering circuit boards ,recovery of devices after exposure to moisture and other categories of repair , and other repair services for devices.
We employ top-class engineers , High quality parts, long warranty ,Repair Meizu,Xiaomi,Sony,APPLE, Huawei , LG , SAMSUNG, LENOVO,ASUS and others.Our Service center is located near the Prague metro , TC Electronic Paradise , we are on the -1 Floor pavilion 1-38.
In our service center are made post-repair phones of various brands. We provide a full range of services for mobile devices. The most popular services include: screen replacement, phone replacement, phone Jack, replacing the battery of the phone. Are difficult to repair : restoration of Board moisture, restore burnt-out tracks and replace the microphone.
Professional repair all models of Iphone, Samsung, Meizu, Xiaomi, LG, ASUS, LENOVO, Alcatel, ZTE, Oppo, Micromax, OnePlus, etc.
Sale accessories, Zap. parts, components for phones.
When replacing the display or touchscreen and PROTECTIVE GLASS as a GIFT (will paste for FREE)!
We are IN the HEART and work EVERY DAY!