TD Hut. Kamensk-Uralsky, Russia

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The trading house "the Hut" and the company "Oktyabrskaya" offers a wide range of building materials. As well as stoves, fireplaces, boilers, chimneys, siding, etc. Complex supply of a bath turnkey. The service provided by masonry stoves, fireplaces, brick chimneys. Installation of a metal furnace in the bath with an external firebox. Installation of chimneys, tanks under water. Selling bath and boiler equipment.


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Kamensk-Uralsky city

623400, str. Sverdlova, 6A

tel. +7 (904) 381-57-37
tel. 36-58-53
tel. (3439) 36-58-25
Actual on 01.01.2018
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