Sale of stationery, books, educational materials, art supplies, souvenir and gift products, helium and balloons.
Cash and cashless payments.
Discounts for group orders.
TEXTBOOKS,workbooks,DICTIONARIES,BOOKS,ENCYCLOPEDIAS, textbooks for preschoolers ,STATIONERY ,VISUAL AND teaching MANUALS,COLORING books,TOYS,PUZZLES,construction toys ,BOARD GAMES,BOOKS for ADULTS(guides,road atlases,tickets AB and DM,codes ,manual, etc.).TESTS for OGE and EGE are always on sale . CAN DELIVER ALMOST ANY PRINT PUBLICATION TO ORDER,Our address is:p., KAMYSHIN, Lenin str 34 ,MAG.Silhouette in front of the bar "Camelot"with the pharmacy "Vita-Express"(formerly "World health") and the Bank "Opening" so 89375395888. 89061750825.working seven days a week.