Audit evaluation Audit company expert in the Kazan - a mandatory initiative audit, property valuation, land valuation. Providing audit, valuation services.
OOO "Sredne-Volzhskoye expert Bureau" is an independent Russian company, providing professional services in audit, consulting and accounting outsourcing.
Founded in 1990, the company "SVEB" firmly holds a leading position in the market of Tatarstan and the Volga region, but also Russia.
"SVEB" is a member of SRO NP "Russian Collegium of auditors" and is included in the register of auditors and audit organizations SRO RKA, main registration number: 10205008931.
Director of "SVEB" is part of the Central Council of "NP "rka" is Chairman of the Council of Volga "NP "rka".
"SVEB" has a license issued by the Federal security service of Russia for carrying out of works connected with use of information constituting a state secret.
OOO FBK Volga region - audit company. Provides the following services: audit of financial statements prepared in accordance with Russian standards, reporting according to IFRS, consultation on accounting and taxation, business valuation and property.
Work in the regions.
OOO FBK Volga region - audit company. Provides the following services: audit of financial statements prepared in accordance with Russian standards, reporting according to IFRS, consultation on accounting and taxation, business valuation and property.
Audit company "PENROSE" provides services:
- statutory audit initiative audit, tax audit;
- restoration of accounting;
- organization of accounting and tax accounting;
- assessment of the internal control system.
• Electronic submission of reports
• Reporting to PFR, FSS, tax office
• Outsourcing
• Tax optimization
• Accounting consultation
• 3-NDFL
• Registration of companies (sole proprietors, LLC)
• Re-registration, change
• Receiving tolerances of the SRO
• Legal services
• Representation in court. Arbitration
• Liquidation of companies
• and many more...
Accounting and tax accounting for entrepreneurs and Organizations, liquidation, bankruptcy, legal.individuals.
- Maintaining and Restoration of Accounting and Tax accounting
- Personnel records (full or partial)
- Optimization of taxation
- Preparation and submission of reports to Tax inspection and Funds, Rosstat, ekofond, including "zero" reporting (on telecommunication communication channels).
- Consultations on accounting and Tax Accounting for FREE!