Children‘s clothing store "Smalls" offers high-quality, beautiful and affordable clothes for children from 0 to 8 years old from Turkey, Uzbekistan and Russia. Baby products, nursery, shirts, suits, jackets, sweaters, dresses and skirts, knitwear and denim products, the lower the white goods, hosiery products. All products meet the most stringent requirements and is made from eco-friendly and safe materials. We are located at Kineshma, Dunaevsky‘s lane, d. 15 (opposite the school № 19 Chkalovsky micro-district). Photos, prices and sizes of products can be found IN CONTACT or CLASSMATES in our group called SMALLS.Children‘s clothing available.
Online shop "DETOX" offers children‘s shoes famous Russian and foreign producers of: kotofey (Kotofey), Zebra, the Paris Commune, Antelope, Tramping, Demar (Demar). All presented in our children‘s shoes, established itself on the Russian market, as the shoes are top quality, practical and comfortable, beautiful and beloved children.
All models of children‘s shoes are manufactured in strict accordance with GOST. Children‘s shoes from online store Detos — modern style and personality.
Quality materials, innovative technology used in the manufacture of shoes, and incredible combinations of colors and bold fantasies — for those who appreciate the uniqueness of their children.
Specialists kids online store choosing for parents the city of Kineshma and the whole of Russia only actual brands with the most interesting and unusual collections of footwear for children and teenagers.
All children‘s shoes comes only from reliable suppliers who work more than one season and we value our reputation, that guarantees low prices and 100% guarantee of protection against counterfeiting.