Independent risk assessment, LLC. Kirov, Russia

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Expert Department: inspection of objects, independent assessment of fire risks, issue of opinions on conformity of object to requirements of fire safety, calculations of fire risk calculations of categories of premises, development of fire safety Declaration, the development of STUDENTS, evacuation plans, fire safety signs, consultation, protection during inspections, representation in court. Testing laboratory: quality control of fire retardant processing, testing external and internal fire water supply, fire ladders and fences roofs, quality assurance of installation, repair and maintenance of security systems; issuing certificates of conformity, protocols, and regulations. Training centre: training fire-technical minimum, training in the field of civil defense and emergencies, briefings, development and documentation of fire safety. Installation and maintenance of fire safety systems: fire alarm, public address system, smoke exhaust and fire suppression systems. Fire-retardant treatment.
Instrumental quality control for the organizations performing works on installation of APS, do, AUPT, paga


Kaluga Oblast
Kirov city

str. Schorsa, 95

tel. 70-52-07
tel. 8 (8332) 70-51-07
Actual on 01.01.2018
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