Chermushki store. Carpets, Russia

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- Sale of stationery for school and office in a wide range.
- Sale of photo products (photo frames, photo albums) in a wide range at low prices - Sale of batteries (batteries) in a wide range at low prices
-photo and video services.
-photo, video shooting using professional equipment.
- Organizing and conducting live broadcasts online.
- photo for documents from 130 rubles
-printing photographs of any standard sizes 9x12, 9x13, 10x15, 13x18, 15x20, 15x21, 15x22, A-4
(20x30, 21x30) up to A-3 (30x40 or 30x45 cm) all sizes of large format printing up to size 70cm
x 1 meter (50x70, 60x90, 40x60cm) squares 12x12, 13x13, 15x15, 18x18, 20x20, 30x30cm, etc.
-retouching and restoration of damaged photos
- repair of photo equipment (cameras, lenses, flashes) Nikon, Canon, Sony
- scanning photos, printing photos from photos.
- lamination of photographs and documents up to A 3 formats
- Production of photo souvenirs from your photographs or mock-ups of images, inscriptions. (keychains, magnets, pennants, etc.)
Printing images or text, including via Viber or WhatsApp.
-on mugs, piggy banks, plates, cutting boards, thermoses and thermal glasses, photo frames, photos
stone, photo crystals, metal plates, etc.
- magnets acrylic, vinyl
-puzzles (acrylic, vinyl, magnetic, cardboard, plastic)
-on T-shirts, T-shirts, sweatshirts from sizes 30 to 60 (women's, men's), baseball caps, pillows,
bibs, towels, flags, pennants, ties, aprons, etc.
-on cases for smartphones of various models
-production and printing of original souvenirs for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and
other holidays of life (labels-stickers for strong drinks, chocolate, cash
envelopes, greeting cards with photographs of the heroes of the occasion
-photocopy up to A3 format.


Vladimir Oblast
Carpets city

Gastello, 16, Chermushki store

tel. +79107796403

Actual on 10.01.2024
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