Opening of locks and doors. Lyubertsy, Russia

Views: 73

Opening of door locks in the center of Lyubertsy is carried out only by professional masters. Having vast experience in this business, expertise, and tools and equipment. After renovation, the old castle works fine, and no need to buy and install another. But if it took the installation of a new lock, specialists do it with special care and caution so as not to damage anything.
Workers engaged in repair, reinstallation of not only the automotive and door locks. They are able to do the same operation with locks in safes, garages.
We use the latest equipment, tools and appliances. Masters adhere to certain rules and technology. Periodically made quite a lot of new types. Employees watch it, try to study the structure of each to be well versed in the business, not to make mistakes. If there is such an emergency (jammed the lock, and you can‘t go in/out of apartments, cars, etc.) - give us a call! We are always happy to help! Master lock picking in district Lyubertsy will make all quickly and efficiently without installing on your services for exorbitant prices.


Moscow Oblast
Lyubertsy city

140009, Krasnaya str., 1

tel. 8 (985) 150-90-40
Actual on 01.01.2018
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