To work with us because we:
provide correct and timely processing of accounting and legal documentation;
only offer interesting pricing options;
we deliver goods and documents to the warehouses and offices of customers regardless of the amount of the order;
performed detailed study of projects (complex and/or large supplies of equipment and/or SOFTWARE), the creation and examination solutions, special project price, and, if possible, their fixation over a certain period of time.
The main activity – wholesale and retail sales of IT equipment, software licenses and consumables.
Within our activity we offer our clients the following products and services:
certified computers and servers HP, DELL, DEPO, Imango, and others;
laptops and tablets from leading manufacturers and accessories;
a wide range of licensed software from leading Russian and foreign manufacturers, implementation, technical support and consulting services;
peripheral equipment (monitors, printers, MFPs, scanners, sources of an uninterrupted food, network filters, the equipment for presentations, digital cameras, iPods, etc.);
network equipment for creation of local networks and perimeter security network (network adapters, modems, switches, routers, hubs, firewalls, wireless equipment, cabinets, racks, cabling, etc.);
office equipment and telephony (copiers, Fax machines, telephones, etc.);
consumables and spare parts (cartridges, ink, toner, components for office equipment).
design, supply and installation of video surveillance systems of any complexity.
Diagnosis and repair of computer and office equipment. The results of the findings. The upgrading of computer equipment (Upgrade). Repair of computers, printers, laptops. Recovery of information. Design and installation of local area networks (LAN). Repair of mobile(cellular) phones. Repair tablets. Our company offers post-warranty repair of cellular(mobile) phones including but not limited to: replacement of the matrix (screen, glass touchpad), recovery after flooding with water and other liquids.