Fast order processing taxi
Attractive prices carriers.
Taxi booking on the website. Convenient version of the website for smartphones and tablets. The order instantly goes to the dispatching Lucky and the priority is passed to a cab of the carrier. You automatically receive the maximum discount of up to 25% of the fare of the carrier to receive Your order.
10% discount when you order by the city for owners of VIP-cards "Luck.Ordering a taxi."
Free* call for taxi with mobile phones: MTS - 05107, Beeline - 0512, MegaFon - 0270, TELE2 - 0807
The program "BUSINESS LUCK" to make travel arrangements for corporate clients.
Includes many convenient features such as a specific schedule for the taxi hourly order, long distance travel and more.
*when you call in the home region, roaming may be billed
Have any questions? Call the office: 8 (3513) 265-247
Look forward to Your call. LUCK - luck in life!