Desensiti, LTD. Moscow, Russia

Views: 37

Sanitary service "Desensiti" provides services to the population and enterprises of public catering and hotel business for disinfection, disinfection and deratization, as well as cleaning and disinfection of systems of ventilation and air-conditioning.

Destroy bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas, flies, pill bugs, silverfish and other harmful insects
Get rid of rodents in cellars, warehouses, factories, offices, shops, cafes and restaurants
Will carry out a full disinfection of the premises, remove odors, dry fog
Will process Your area from ticks, mosquitoes, moles and other pests

We are working:
24 hours in Moscow and Moscow region

Our equipment:
Generators of hot and cold fog

Our employees:
The exterminator with years of experience

Our price:
from 1600 rubles for the apartment
from 5000 RUB for the enterprise

For all services issued a formal guarantee, spelled out in the contract.

For legal. entities provide a complete package of documents required for submission to SPP


Moscow City
Moscow city

Ryazanskiy ave., 8A, str. 1

tel. 8 (495) 220-08-67
Actual on 01.01.2018
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