Service of the sanitary protection of the population of the city of Moscow - processing areas from pests and insects.
Insect repellent - the destruction of insects.
Deratization - destruction of rodents.
Disinfection firm "Service Mold Removal MSK". The service is sanitation: cleaning mold (all kinds) in apartments, houses, hostels, hotels, hostels, industrial and domestic premises. Working in Moscow and MO. Guarantee for the services provided. Certified drugs.
The company "SES-Service" is the leader for the destruction of insects in Moscow region. At the first sign of insects in the apartment should immediately call our health service. We‘ll come to you immediately to destroy the "intruders"!
Our firm is engaged in destruction of cockroaches in homes, apartments and office buildings of Moscow and Moscow region. In our work we use only innovative methods and modern medicines that are absolutely safe for children and animals. At each drug there are official documents and approval of the CPS.
Central Sanitary Service (SES) carries out treatment against bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, ticks. Using modern methods of applying the working solution ("hot" and "cold" fog) with the application of advanced technologies barrier protection against penetration of insects. For services to breeding of insects and rodents is a contract, provided the guarantee for the destruction of insects. Destruction of bedbugs in the apartment, bed bugs extermination, bed bugs, extermination of bed bugs. Extermination of cockroaches in the apartment, the destruction of the home of cockroaches, destruction of cockroaches, extermination of cockroaches with a guarantee, professional pest control and disinfection.
The limited liability company "Center for disinfection" — a Russian company since 1998, engaged in the development, production and sale of modern disinfectants, detergents, and household chemicals. "Center of disinfection" has its own production facilities, enabling annual production of up to 2 000 000 liters.
The company‘s main products - disinfectants of the new generation of "Disaffect". It is, first and foremost, he is widely known and popular "Dezefekt", production of which started in 1999. Later we developed the recipe and mastered the production of "Dezefekt-Sanit", "Dezefekt-Forward", "Dezefekt-Plus", "Dezefekt-Economy" and "Dezefekt-Freshness". The drugs are manufactured only Quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC).
City exterminator "Akerman" provides services for the extermination of household pests – bedbugs, cockroaches, ticks, pill bugs, fleas, rats, mice, moles. Work with individuals and organizations. All medications are certificated. Great experience.
Warranty up to 3 years. Consultation and inspection of premises free of charge.
Departure of the expert in the same day.
Quickly, efficiently, and safely.
The company provides a range of services for the destruction and prevention of the emergence of pathogenic insects in the apartment and at work. We work with individuals and business leaders. Masters of our sanitary services have extensive experience in dealing with cockroaches, bedbugs, woodlice, fleas, ticks, ants and many other vectors of disease. Detailed information is available on the company website.