Barrymore" is a leading EMPLOYMENT Agency!
Our goal: Find You a decent job! Our advantages: ALL DORMS (FROM 550-950 RUBLES a DAY), CHECK AT the TIME of EMPLOYMENT, PERSONNEL TRAINING,
wide advertising campaign in Moscow, Moscow region, efficiency of selection, EVERY DAY NEW JOBS!
TEACH - EMPLOY! Provide training for the housekeeper, the certificate of the state sample! STAFF UNIFORM!
We are waiting for You on interview to the address: Moscow, the underground the Preobrazhenskiy area, (5 mines from the underground), street Preobrazhenskiy, the house 6 signboard Barrymore, 09.00-19.00, sat, sun – closed.
Tel 8-985-912-35-02 Alla Donova, 8-905-730-37-06
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