The company VELOSO founded in 2006 in Moscow. The team of our employees, including executives, managers, and mechanics consists of professional athletes-cyclists who can‘t imagine life without a bike. We constantly monitor all the latest news and technology of Cycling and are always ready to share with you any useful information, as well as the latest technological innovations.
R-TOYS is a very young company, but has already proved itself as a progressive leader in sales of vehicles for children. "Calling cards" of the company are 3-wheeled Bicycle Lexus Trike original RT ICON RT, scooters Y-BIKE Y-SCOO.We are one of the few companies that has bicycles and scooters in stock all year round. We are in continuous search of novelties and surprise You with every season. Develop high-tech structures, introduce modern materials, in short, do everything that the company‘s products R-TOYS was one of the best.Creating your own bikes, we listen to the needs of the child, adding a stylish design, comfort‘ convenience and never forget about quality. As a result, became winners of the award Golden bear in the category "Best bike" in 2013 for bike Lexus Trike Original RT. Used in the manufacture of materials that meet international standards. We strive to bring their bikes to perfection for parents and their children get pleasure from using them. It is important for us to realize that the goods R-TOYS help parents to make the child‘s life bright and fill it with interesting events. And increased interest in our products allows the company to develop dynamically.