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The mission of the company ROSTECHNOLOGIES - the introduction of Russian innovative developments in the field of health, environment, construction, agriculture, energy, oil and gas industry and aimed at solving environmental issues and preserving the environment.

We are aiming to establish efficient production of consumer goods and industrial equipment on the basis of the latest innovative developments and adapt new products for everyday use, giving consumers the opportunity to use the latest achievements of science and technology.

The company ROSTECHNOLOGIES ensures the development, implementation and operation of the proposed technological solutions.

Among the ongoing projects - industrial filter systems for liquids, desalination plants and separators of liquids, vetroelektrogeneratornaya installation and power plants, transformers liquid fuel, electric generators for road transport.

The company ROSTECHNOLOGIES developing a new project NEPTUN on the manufacturing and sales of water filters of the new generation of string-membrane type. Manufacture of filters for water purification series NEPTUN organized in Moscow.

One of the priority tasks of the company is the comprehensive solution to improve the quality of water supply of cities and industrial enterprises, settlements. To accomplish this, we increase the production of industrial filters with a capacity from 10 to 100 m3 per hour.

Office and regional warehouse company ROSTECHNOLOGIES is located in Moscow. In the regions of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan is the official dealer network.

The project NEPTUN we provide service and warranty support design decisions. Provide supervision of the decision within 1 year since the launch of the project in commercial operation.

All the basic material for the manufacture of products produced in Russia.
The company‘s products RUSTECHNOLOGIES meets the requirements of world level.

The company ROSTECHNOLOGIES helps domestic developers to implement their ideas and offers cooperation to partners in the implementation of new high-tech solutions in industry and for residential use.

RUSTECHNOLOGIES – the World of High Technology


Moscow City
Moscow city

Dmitrovskoe shosse, 157, str. 9

tel. +7 (495) 642-73-11
tel. +7 (800) 500-73-86
Actual on 01.01.2018
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