Altukhova O. V., SP. Murom, Russia

Views: 95

Avia and railway ticket office the Visa office Moore.
offers businesses and individuals a range of services for the sale of AIR and railway tickets, hotel reservation, visa arrangement.


AIRLINE tickets
Train tickets
Visa support
Booking hotels rooms worldwide
Passenger insurance at the time of travel and time of stay abroad
Find places
Check-in with seat selection
Various payment options
Documentation support

Addresses of our offices in Murom:

1. the town of Murom, Moskovskaya str., 32, entrance from street Sverdlova,

T. 8(49234)2-30-95; 8(915)774-24-04
9:00-18:00 (closed. 10:00-16:00)

2. Moore of Air and railway Service cashier

vol. 8(919)029-35-33 from 10:00-19:00



Vladimir Oblast
Murom city

602267, str. Moskovskaya, 32

tel. +7 (49234) 2-30-95
tel. +7 (915) 774-24-04
tel. +7 (919) 029-35-33
Actual on 01.01.2018
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