Private schools of Mytishchi

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Private elementary school "Galileo"
Mytishchi, 141018, str. Letnaya, s. 21B, k. B-3

tel. +7 (495) 116-00-55

Private elementary school "Galileo" in Mytischi is part of a network of educational institutions of ANO SOSH "Academic gymnasium". Educational program approaches in teaching, education, health care students, program and methodical maintenance of training process used by technical and interactive tools are common to all units of the network.

Elementary school "Galileo" in Mytischi situated in a new, separate building with its own play and pleasure grounds. The territory of the educational complex is fenced around the perimeter, equipped with external security cameras, round the clock security service. Entrance to unit is through a checkpoint equipped with pornoroliki turnstiles with electronic pass system for biometric data.

The mode of operation of the school provides two options:
Service "part time" (08: 00 to 13:00) – includes 3 meals a day;
"Full day" (08: 00 to 18:30) – includes 5 meals during the day.

Educational program
The curriculum of the elementary school includes two components:
• The Federal component (the invariant and variant parts);
• Gymnasium component.

College is an elite school where the child is offered a universal and multilateral education. Therefore, a special role in the education of children of younger school age is the Gymnasium component of the curriculum. This is a unique part of the educational process in elementary school, which is the intellectual property of the institution.

The gymnasium component of the program was developed by teachers and methodologists of the Academic gymnasium with effective support scientists in the field of General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, theory and methodology of primary education.

In the list of items of gymnasium component includes various educational discipline areas: Philology, mathematics and Informatics, natural Sciences, art.

The development of the English language in two directions: basic English and children‘s education program of the University of Cambridge, developed in conjunction with the examination Department of the University named for Russian schools and gymnasiums.

English is taught as the Russian-speaking teachers and expats – native speakers. According to the results of learning English in elementary school, students have the opportunity to speak the language at the C1 level.

Cambridge exams
The academic gymnasium is the only Certified centre for Cambridge ESOL status of the "Cambridge school". All elementary school students have the opportunity 2 times a year to pass the Cambridge exams on the basis of his educational institution.
The infrastructure of the school
Elementary school "Galileo" in Mytischi features:
• private playgrounds;
• modern classrooms;
• high-tech kitchen;
• choreographic hall;
• bedroom for first graders;
• changing rooms (separate for boys and girls);
• the medical office.

In the educational institution provides a twenty-day cycle menus when dishes are not repeated more than 1 times within 20 days. For children with a particular type of food, according to the prescriptions of the attending physician, provided a personalized menu.
Food preparation is carried out in specialized shops of the catering Department, equipped with high-tech equipment: Combi steamers, electrical steam boilers (from cooking completely eliminated the plate and the frying surface).
The diet of the pupils consists of only fresh, organic ingredients. From the diet completely excluded prepared foods, canned foods, frozen foods, pork and pork products.

Additional services
In elementary school there is a wide range of additional educational services, which allows to ensure the full development of abilities of the pupil on the basis of a single institution. The list of extra classes included intellectual and developmental courses, technical-scientific, art-aesthetic, sports, theatre, music and dance sections and studios.

Actual on 01.01.2018
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