Elbrus Plaza. Nalchik, Russia

Views: 85

Hotel Elbrus hotel is a symbiosis of nature and modern design, the sultry silence and Caucasian temperamental, which will give always smiling caring staff. The hotel is situated in the village of Tegenekli, along the Baksan river, 12 km East from the foot of mount Elbrus. Mountain temperate climate walk in the morning, day camping and an evening of relaxation in harmony with yourself. And the hotel provides transfer to Cheget, Azau and back.
The rooms are cozy and already, after a few minutes, you will feel at home and not in the hotel. Mountains from the panoramic Windows spacious rooms calming, as lessons on yoga and SPA rituals.
"Compliment" from the hotel owners will be most useful herbal teas, chosen according to your preference, and round-the-clock use of the machine. The fragrant smell of high-grade coffee will not leave you during your entire stay in our hotel.
Hotel Elbrus Plaza you can find a cuisine to suit all tastes: in the best traditions of Caucasus, European, and vegetarian. Don‘t forget to visit the gym, sauna and Billiards, hotel Elbrus Plaza. And for a fun evening offer modern karaoke club.
Hotel Elbrus Plaza - a Paradise that you must visit.


Kabardino-Balkar Republic
Nalchik city

361603, p. Tegenekli, str. Balkarskaya

tel. 8 (928) 076-79-07

Actual on 01.01.2018
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