Baby massage with departure on the house
Massage Therapist: Sitnova Irina
Work experience: 17 years
GOU Nizhny Novgorod medical school №2 - qualification medical sister in the specialty "nursing"
Nizhny Novgorod Regional Rehabilitation Center for persons with Disabilities - specialization "Baby massage"
Pediatric massage therapist in clinics №39, 48
Clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology - massage therapist
Center restorative medicine and rehabilitation for children
I do:
restorative massage babies up to a year (recommended at least 3 courses, to solve different kinds of problems - more)
therapeutic massage in various diseases of the neurological, surgical and orthopedic in nature (cerebral palsy, torticollis, dysplasia, dislocation, subluxation, Hyper - and hypotonia, pyramidal insufficiency and other diseases).