Cargo transportation the Gazelle in the city of Nizhny Novgorod.
Long-distance travel cheaply from 11 rubles per km from Nizhny Novgorod and of any item in the Nizhny Novgorod region in another city.
Transportation in Nizhegorodskoi region 13 rubles for 1 kilometer (pay both ways).
The minimum order of a Gazelle around the city from 1000 rubles for 2 hours, every next hour
work car 400 rubles.
Departure to city limits 1200 rubles.
Service relocation (Gazelle with 2 movers) from 1000 rubles per hour minimum 3 hours
2 hours or less by agreement, the transportation of individual things (refrigerators, sofas,
stiralok, etc.) from 1800 rubles
Prices for cargo transportation without intermediaries !
Individual approach to each client !
Discounts for regular customers !