Вabexi-room. Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Views: 19

Our product range includes such brands Turkish clothes as:
Mackays, Hello Kitty, Watch Me, Cichlid, Nafitto, Aguu, Bebus, Minice, Oryeda, Miss Mery, Pakel, Vitamin, Vestito, Axis, Asilguc, Ayfi, Bupper, Durucan, Noy Noy, Bebessi, Besta, Haknur, Rico and many others....
Our company supplies children‘s clothing from factories of Turkey in Russia. Prices will pleasantly surprise you, as they already included shipping from Turkey. You pay only shipping from Nizhny Novgorod to your city.

In order to have a representative directly.
* Possibility of purchasing small and large wholesale
* Wide range of products from economy class to luxury
* Quality control of shipped products
* Reliable and fast delivery convenient way for you
* Convenient payment methods
* Online consultant for the site is always ready to answer all your questions in the selection of goods.

* Negotiated a supply agreement with physical and legal persons. This means all the responsibility and care we take.
* Provide a full package of documents on clothes that will ensure peace and improve the image of your business.
* We offer goods at competitive prices, which 100% corresponds to the ratio quality-price.
* To quickly process your order and ship the goods within 24 hours upon receipt of payment.
Glad to see You among our customers!


Nizhny Novgorod Oblast
Nizhny Novgorod city

str. Orehovskaya, 80, korp. 2

tel. +7 (920) 032-46-56
tel. +7 (831) 269-21-35

Actual on 01.01.2018
Project SPRAVKA109.RU © 2025