Tagil info closer to the city
Ntagil-info - Nizhniy Tagil INFO, news website of the city of Nizhny Tagil is information about events taking place in Tagil, region, country and the world, we try to choose the most recent and important information from various sources in the city, region, country and world news.
The news of the site duplicated on social networks as an information portal and free classifieds where anyone can place your ad. Every piece of news, anyone can add a comment.
You can send material to the editor, and after a quick verification it will be posted on the website with the indication of the addressee or his alias,
If you wish doing personal columns, reviewing options to create a partition on your theme. Materials can be as "Photo" and any "topical" theme.
Convenient placement of materials on the website of Nizhny Tagil INFO and navigation, will enable you to conveniently use our website.
Daily updates, links to photos and video, are provided...