At the Bottom Round works CORRESPONDENCE Department of the Ural industrial-economic College.
Training programs of secondary vocational education on the basis of 9 or 11 classes in the field of:
38.02.07 Banking
38.02.01 Economics and accounting
21.02.01 Land and property relations
13.02.01 Thermal power station
13.02.02 Heat supply and heat engineering equipment
13.02.11 Technical operation and maintenance of electric and Electromechanical equipment
23.02.03 maintenance and repair of motor transport
09.02.03 Programming in computer systems
08.02.01 Construction and operation of buildings and structures
40.02.01 law and social security
Also provided training on programs of additional professional education: training, retraining, pre-training in the field of industrial safety, labor protection, heat, electricity, etc.
Training of working professions.