The main type of our activity is wholesale and retail trade of construction materials:
• drevesnoplitnye materials - fiberboard, plywood, OSB, particleboard, quick Dec;
• giprostrojmost – normal, moisture-proof;
• roofing materials - roofing felt, asphalt, stekloizol, bitumen;
• the insulation is made of basalt insulation; NPE /unsewn foam polyethylene: folgirovannye, Nepalgunj, coated polyester, tubular/; lnovatin;
• vapor barrier and windscreen – Izospan; Spanlist.
• polycarbonate – polycarbonate (transparent, colored).
Having your own transport allows us to form delivery.
We are working on the market of construction materials for more than 15 years, which allows us to quickly and efficiently create orders in the range with delivery to and from warehouses in Moscow and Moscow region.
The availability of flexible system of discounts and forms of payment allows us to find individual approach to each client.