The study of the body at the cellular level.With the help of thermal exposure on the points of the meridians responsible for the work of the organs and organ systems of the human body, when processing the received data a special computer program, determines the General condition of the body.The uniqueness of this diagnosis is because the program allows you to detect violations at the stage of functional overload, allowing highly efficient to use preventive measures and prevent the development of organic changes. There is the possibility of evaluating the effectiveness of treatment of acute and chronic diseases identify existing organic changes.
With this diagnosis identified pathological changes in organs and systems of organs, as has manifested itself, and being the hidden state (i.e. not yet visible, but already existing or nascent).
The program allows you to evaluate the psychological state of the patient and to identify possible causes of psychological dissonance.Diagnosis at the cellular level is complex (replaces a number of diagnostics: imaging, ultrasound, x-ray, etc.), and determines the condition of the human body at the cellular level "from head to toe", identifying possible pathological changes or processes. The diagnostic accuracy of RUNO is 99.2 per cent.
The doctor, after diagnosis, conducting individual consultation for the patient, and is personal rate of recovery.
At the end of the procedure, excluding doctor‘s advice, diagnosed gets a full printout of the data showing all of the problems in organs and organ systems of the body.
Regional Nephrology Center – successfully developing high-tech medical facility with more than 25-year history.
OOO "Regional Nephrology Center" (KSC) provides a full range of medical services for the treatment of acute and chronic renal failure by hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, and also provides post-transplant monitoring of patients, surgery kidney transplantation which are held on the basis of the partner KSC – Krasnodar regional hospital.
Regional Nephrology Center successfully represents in the Krasnodar territory worldwide network of dialysis clinics and a leading manufacturer of equipment and provider of renal replacement therapy – the company Fresenius Medical Care.
KSC branches are working in Krasnodar, Eysk, Sochi, Tuapse, Novorossiysk, Armavir, St. Fastovetskoy.
All branches of the Regional Nephrology Center is equipped with the latest medical equipment Fresenius and European standards of quality patient care, which provides in KNTS highly qualified specialists.
Free dialysis assistance under the program of compulsory health insurance is provided in the Regional Renal Centre, not only to the residents of the Krasnodar region, but also the guests of the Kuban, coming to rest from other regions of Russia.
The rehabilitation program is divided into types:
• Inpatient (Rehab)from 90 to 250 days
• Polecana 90 days
• Personal growth
Inpatient program
For whom is the program? For people with alcohol, drug, gambling addiction. The program lasts up to six months.Conditions for admission to the program: a desire to stop using (alcohol, drugs, etc.)
Program rehabilitation center developed on the basis of the most effective methods of world practice for the treatment of addictions (drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling) and is designed to pass fixed course, lasting from 3 to 6 months.Addiction treatment in a hospital allows a person in full protection from destructive influences of the external environment to focus on your recovery.
The goal of the program is the acquisition of new points of reference in life and, in this regard, a full recovery from addictive behavior.
The treatment is carried out by using the latest methods of pedagogy and psychotherapy with the participation of highly qualified specialists:
• psychologists and psychotherapists with extensive experience of working with dependent;
• consultants-therapists.