Rheumatology, gastroenterology, pulmonology, Pediatrics, pediatric surgery, Allergy, neurology, Oncology, dermatology, gynecology, pediatric urology, cardiology, pediatric endocrinology, pediatric rheumatology.
The clinic are professors, candidates and doctors of medical Sciences, doctors of higher category with extensive experience in medical practice. The clinic also performed: ECG, duodenal intubation, a full range of laboratory diagnosis, cryotherapy, uroflowmetry and more.
With extensive experience in the field of treatment of alcohol dependence, understanding the principles of its origin and development, we can offer our patients highly effective methods of treatment and rehabilitation of this disease. Individual methods of treatment that are used in our narcological clinic in the treatment of alcoholism, can guarantee 100% result recovery or long-term remission even in difficult cases, after the full course of treatment and in compliance with all of our recommendations.
The disease is quite serious. To deal with it yourself is extremely difficult. Often the alcoholic tries to abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages. But formed dependence does not allow him to keep a promise, and a green snake enslaves a person with a new force.
Alcoholism is not a manifestation of the negative character qualities, and disease. Requires a professional approach and a comprehensive impact. At different stages according to the patient‘s behavior changes.
For whom is the program? For people with alcohol, drug, gambling addiction. The program lasts up to six months.Conditions for admission to the program: a desire to stop using (alcohol, drugs, etc.)
Program rehabilitation center developed on the basis of the most effective methods of world practice for the treatment of addictions (drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling) and is designed to pass fixed course, lasting from 3 to 6 months.Addiction treatment in a hospital allows a person in full protection from destructive influences of the external environment to focus on your recovery.
The goal of the program is the acquisition of new points of reference in life and, in this regard, a full recovery from addictive behavior.
The treatment is carried out by using the latest methods of pedagogy and psychotherapy with the participation of highly qualified specialists:
The treatment is carried out by using the latest methods of pedagogy and psychotherapy with the participation of highly qualified specialists:
• psychologists and psychotherapists with extensive experience of working with dependent;
• consultants (people with experience of personal recovery, and special training for working in Rehabilitation center);
The program includes a complex of measures aimed at achieving and maintaining a sober lifestyle:
• group and individual psychotherapeutic work through the 12 steps ("Minnesotsky model" and datop);
• body-oriented therapy;
• a series of thematic lectures;
• personal growth trainings;
• self-help groups;
• psycho-correction work with the family;
• viewing and discussion of films;
For whom is the program? For people with alcohol, drug, gambling addiction. The program lasts up to six months.Conditions for admission to the program: a desire to stop using (alcohol, drugs, etc.)
Program rehabilitation center developed on the basis of the most effective methods of world practice for the treatment of addictions (drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling) and is designed to pass fixed course, lasting from 3 to 6 months.Addiction treatment in a hospital allows a person in full protection from destructive influences of the external environment to focus on your recovery.
The goal of the program is the acquisition of new points of reference in life and, in this regard, a full recovery from addictive behavior.
The treatment is carried out by using the latest methods of pedagogy and psychotherapy with the participation of highly qualified specialists:
Medical center opened in 2012. The main direction of-treatment of diseases associated with disease of the spine and joints using the new method. The doctors are a Neurologist, Rheumatologist, Orthopedist, Chiropractor, Girudoterapevt, Acupuncture. Physical therapy, all kinds of massage, exercise therapy, hirudotherapy, acupuncture, individual program of rehabilitation after strokes, traumatic brain injuries, and operations, nursing care and patronage.
For whom is the program? For people with alcohol, drug, gambling addiction. The program lasts up to six months.Conditions for admission to the program: a desire to stop using (alcohol, drugs, etc.)
Program rehabilitation center developed on the basis of the most effective methods of world practice for the treatment of addictions (drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling) and is designed to pass fixed course, lasting from 3 to 6 months.Addiction treatment in a hospital allows a person in full protection from destructive influences of the external environment to focus on your recovery.
The goal of the program is the acquisition of new points of reference in life and, in this regard, a full recovery from addictive behavior.
The treatment is carried out by using the latest methods of pedagogy and psychotherapy with the participation of highly qualified specialists:
Services: consultation of a dietician, endocrinologist, chiropractor, phlebology, physical therapist, psychotherapist, psychological correction of eating behavior, physical therapy, cryolipolysis, cavitation, RF-lifting, therapy, stimulation, vacuum-roller massage on the unit Body-roll, laboratory diagnostics, bioimpedance analysis, body composition analysis, dietary Supplements, colon hydrotherapy, lymphatic drainage body massage, lipolytic injection, lifting wraps.
The treatment is carried out by using the latest methods of pedagogy and psychotherapy with the participation of highly qualified specialists:
• psychologists and psychotherapists with extensive experience of working with dependent;
• consultants (people with experience of personal recovery, and special training for working in Rehabilitation center);
The program includes a complex of measures aimed at achieving and maintaining a sober lifestyle:
• group and individual psychotherapeutic work through the 12 steps ("Minnesotsky model" and datop);
• body-oriented therapy;
• a series of thematic lectures;
• personal growth trainings;
• self-help groups;
• psycho-correction work with the family
The treatment is carried out by using the latest methods of pedagogy and psychotherapy with the participation of highly qualified specialists:
• psychologists and psychotherapists with extensive experience of working with dependent;
• consultants (people with experience of personal recovery, and special training for working in Rehabilitation center);
The program includes a complex of measures aimed at achieving and maintaining a sober lifestyle:
• group and individual psychotherapeutic work through the 12 steps ("Minnesotsky model" and datop);
• body-oriented therapy;
• a series of thematic lectures;
• personal growth trainings;
• self-help groups;
• psycho-correction work with the family;
• viewing and discussion of films;