Rogochaya Nina, SP. Obninsk, Russia

Views: 46

Qualified legal assistance:
consultation on criminal and civil issues; labor disputes; appeal to the court; conduct of inheritance cases; sole proprietorship and LLC. Drafting of contracts: SALE, GIFT, EXCHANGE of PROPERTY and VEHICLES.
Purchase and sale of any property (apartment, house, cottage, land. land, commercial property), support of transactions, establishment of borders of land. sections, legalization of alterations, assistance in the design of privatization. Filling in tax Declaration for the property purchase, treatment, training. We provide a wide range of legal services for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.


Kaluga Oblast
Obninsk city

str. Aksenova, 16A, str. 8

tel. 8 (910) 864-63-28
Actual on 01.01.2018
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