Big sale from supplier of cigarettes in Russia! The most popular brand, original product, perfect quality. Big sale from supplier of cigarettes in Russia! The most popular brand, original product, perfect quality. The most affordable prices.
Our advantages:
sale wholesale at competitive prices;
- convenient terms of delivery, possible delivery to any region of the country;
- the goods are always available in stock, you can order any day;
- the range of many brands and suggestions;
- reasonable and affordable prices.
We can buy cigarettes cheaply and in the most favorable conditions, to issue an order for a batch of any size. Our catalogue includes dozens of titles from domestic and foreign manufacturers. The company has a strict quality control.
Work with commercial enterprises and organizations. Create all the conditions with the expectation of long-term and productive cooperation with partners.
We always keep in touch with customers via email. mail and telephone contacts, accept requests and messages from the site.
Our phone: +7 952 583-43-23 (he Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber)