Taxi Leader Golitsyno. Odintsovo, Russia

Views: 50

Fixed prices "WE HAVE VERY CHEAP" Rates for town, district, area: Golitsino from 100R.

Travel on the ruble: from 400r
Trip to Moscow from 900p
Trips to the Airports: from 900p
Trips to the Stations: from 1000R
Travel a long distance from 15P/km

If you order a car from Moscow/MO value does not change.
Night less 5% -10%, from 00:00 to 05:00.
When ordering back and forth discount on the way back to 50% When ordering in Moscow "there and back" 10 minutes of waiting, for free, on 7 RUB./ min.for all rates.
We invite drivers to work in a taxi on a personal and/m


Moscow Oblast
Odintsovo city

mikrorayon DRSU-4, 8

tel. +7 (926) 412-03-61

Actual on 01.01.2018
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