Teddy House, a private kindergarten. Omsk, Russia

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"Teddy House" hotel offers: - kindergarten full day, miniSD, mode "soft adaptation". Balanced educational programme includes learning English, playing music, singing, dancing.

In the garden are always the speech therapist and the psychologist to whom you can turn to for advice in matters of upbringing and development of the baby.

Daily examination of children by a doctor. Five meals a day and walks on a specially equipped site.

Continuous monitoring gives the opportunity for parents to observe their children using the Internet in a mode on-line during the day.

"Teddy House" – the health and safety of your child.


Omsk Oblast
Omsk city

644070, str. Zvezdova, 62/4

tel. (3812) 389-289

Actual on 01.01.2018
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