Pawnshop Enfield. Omsk, Russia

Views: 39
If you have unforeseen financial difficulties and urgently need some cash, then the fastest and easiest way to get money is to use the services of the Enfield car pawnshop in the city of Omsk. Having many years of experience in the Omsk car pawnshop market, we offer real conditions for pledging your property. In our car pawnshops, you can put your mortgaged car up for sale. A few words about interest rates on loans secured by a car, special equipment or motorcycle equipment: today the conditions in our pawnshops are unrivaled. For the use of borrowed money, a minimum fee is charged: from 0.15% per day.


Omsk Oblast
Omsk city

70 years of October, 25g

tel. +7 (3812) 493-100
tel. +7 (3812) 51-50-73
Actual on 18.03.2022
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