Three wells, LLC. Omsk, Russia

Views: 147

For over 10 years, we have successfully supplied communications method of horizontal drilling

Method of laying without trenches is not only beneficial from the environmental point of view, but also from the point of view of savings. In the case of installation of engineering networks, repair and maintenance of the utilities, often have to spend significant financial resources. The use of this type of methods is to minimize investments while improving the final result, which can not but rejoice.
We are pleased to offer a wide range of services at great prices:

Vypolnite of works "turnkey"
High quality
Installment payment
The ability to work from remote places
The warranty on the work
Departure on object free
Help with permits
Save time and money by choosing us

If You have any questions, You can always ask them by phone 8(950)957-80-05.


Omsk Oblast
Omsk city

644086, Bagrationa, 92

tel. + 7 (950) 957-80-05
tel. +7 (3812) 209-401
Actual on 01.01.2018
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