Bosch Car Service "Sursky" provides the following services:
- electronic diagnostics-engine (injector);
- regular maintenance of passenger cars;
- replacement of engine oil, manual gearbox, automatic transmission and the transmission units;
- diagnostics and repair of suspension and running gear.
- repair and maintenance of the brake system;
- replace timing belt (domestic, foreign cars);
- replacement and adjustment of the clutch;
tools - flushing of the injector;
- ordering and supply of spare parts.
6 reasons to apply it to our service center:
1. We repair only what really needs repair.
2. There are no "surprises" - without Your consent we never perform additional work and do not raise the estimate.
3. On all work and our spare parts we guarantee.
4. We use modern equipment and tools, which allows us to identify and resolve faults first time.
5. We are not afraid to let customers in the repair area.
6. Our car service takes responsibility for the integrity of our client‘s cars.