ANO tsdpo "Academy" is part of the 10 largest training centers in Russian Federation and has all required licenses, accreditation for training in the field of building control and industrial safety, energy and environmental security, as well as training on labor protection, fire safety, civil defense and emergencies, experts of technical supervision, etc. areas.
Training is coordinated and approved in the prescribed manner. Learning is determined jointly with the Customer.
Educational center "Academy" has the following licenses and accreditation required to conduct educational activities!
UMTS "Prombezopasnost" provides training for organizations and individuals in safe methods and receptions of performance of works at height, including with the use of rope access systems in accordance with the order of the Ministry of labour and social protection of the Russian Federation from 28.03.2014 n 155N "On approval of Rules on labor protection when working at height". (1, 2, 3 tolerance groups)