Kadastr-SERVIS. Pereslavl-Zalesskiy, Russia

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Our company carries out surveying,Surveying in Pereslavl, Kadastr-SERVIS topographic and other special work in land surveying, keeping cadastres, and other surveys and special works:
land works:
clarification of the boundaries;
section of land;
merger of land plots;
the distribution of land plots;
the recovered land;
the formation of parts;
recovery and removal of boundaries in nature;
surveying land plots;
production of technical plans of buildings, including residential houses, premises, buildings and structures;
preparation of technical documentation;
the certificate of inspection;
the conclusion of the cadastral engineer;
the cadastral registration.
Works are performed by qualified cadastral engineers with experience in cadastral activities since 2007. received qualification certificates in 2010. first in Pereslavl district.


Yaroslavl Oblast
Pereslavl-Zalesskiy city

str. Komitetskaya, 8

tel. 8 (905) 647-92-12
tel. 8 (906) 528-02-22

Actual on 01.01.2018
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