Timchenko, SP. Pervouralsk, Russia

Views: 62

The organization will cook any metal according to your desire (stairs, separate shower, water tank, canopy, railing, frame gazebos and more!)
We establish reliable and long time employees of the partitions on the staircase.
We install and dismantle (radiators in the apartment, in private home, office or nonresidential premises);
We hang and repair the hinges on the garage door and any other openings
We produce and install fences and gates
We manufacture and install swing gates and fences
We are engaged in the demolition of unnecessary structures, buildings and any other objects dismantling of the
Tel: 8-953-0585-119


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Pervouralsk city

str. Emlina, 14

tel. 8 (953) 058-51-19

Actual on 01.01.2018
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